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X1 Electromagnetic Energy Generator
The X1 Energy Generator consists of two technological sectors that operate synchronously: the electrical sector utilizes high-voltage electric pulses to charge the core at its center. Here, the electric charges generated by the coils quickly charge the sides of the core, which is equipped with engineered nanomaterials with a high charge density, allowing for the condensation of a large number of electrons. The second technological sector is dedicated to the generation of magnetic fields that enable the containment of a high electric charge density in a stable and safe form.
The core of X1 is setting as an electrolytic reactor that uses transitional metallic nanomaterials to accumulate large amounts of high-voltage energy. This energy, appropriately modulated, is coupled with the peripherals of the magnetic sector. The interaction between the two sectors generates a magnetic field differential that facilitates the movement of the generator through inertial variation.
High-density energy storage
Air transportation
Inertial Propultion