WorkShop & Training

The WorkShop & Training section is dedicated to the practical installation of hydrogen reactors in small and large displacement internal combustion engines and residential and industrial heating. Nanomaterials are covered in a detailed seminar that presents a room-temperature extraction method, including all processes up to the initial purification phase for applications in plant biology, biocellular, cosmetic, and energy storage fields.

If you wish to delve deeper into these topics or request our services, please contact us. We are here to answer all your questions and provide the necessary support. You can contact us by sending an email to our administrative office.

Available Workshops

Job Training Installation of the X3 Reactor or CELL 4.0 on Cars and Heavy Vehicles
1.1 General briefing on oxyhydrogen and its application in internal combustion engines
1.2 Operating principle and key points of installations
1.3 Configuration as a motor additive and configuration with a professional injection system
1.4 Step-by-step assistance in hardware installation, monitored at every stage
1.5 Software configuration of the system and system startup
1.6 Comprehensive overview of settings, alarms, and steady-state operation of the system
1.7 Road testing and system remapping
1.8 Transfer of knowledge related to interventions and system maintenance

Job Training Installation of the X3 Reactor on Residential and Industrial Heating 
2.1 General briefing on oxyhydrogen and its application in heating systems
2.2 Operating principle and key points of installations
2.3 Configuration as an on-board additive and configuration with a professional injection system
2.4 Step-by-step assistance in hardware installation, monitored at every stage
2.5 Software configuration of the system and system startup
2.6 Comprehensive overview of settings, alarms, and steady-state operation of the system
2.7 Verification testing of the heating system
2.8 Transfer of knowledge related to interventions and system maintenance

Seminar on the Extraction of Transition Metal Elements from the Platinum Group 
3.1 General overview of material selection and necessary equipment
3.2 Method of extracting platinum group elements
3.3 Preparation of the base and reagent, pH meter calibration and standards
3.4 Reaction process, peaks, sub-reactions, safety windows
3.5 Protection of the precipitate from electromagnetic sources
3.6 Basic purification according to the intended use
3.7 Coupling/rearrangement of transition metal elements with organic nanomaterials
3.8 General overview of applications: biocellular, plant biology, cosmetics, and energy storage
3.9 Drying and pulverization
3.10 Types of analyses to be performed